• Human Resource Management
    INFOBITS Management Information Systems
    • Employee Management
    • Leave Management
    • Salary Management
    • Mobile Application
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InfoBits Management Information Systems are designed around a common, defined data structure (schema) that usually has a common database. The systems provide access to enterprise data from multiple activities using common constructs and definitions and common user experiences.

Our key principle is the central collection of data for wide distribution. Instead of several standalone databases with an endless inventory of disconnected spreadsheets, INFOBITS Management Information System bring order to the chaos so that all users—from the CEO to accounts payable clerks—create, store, and use the same data derived through common processes. With a secure and centralized data repository, everyone in the organization can be confident that data is correct, up to date, and complete. Data integrity is assured for every task performed throughout the organization, from a quarterly financial statement to a single outstanding receivables report, without deploying error-prone spreadsheets.

Payroll Module

The entire payroll process can be completed in minutes, just a fraction of the time required by other payroll systems. Generate checks using standard calculations for groups of employees based on selection criteria such as department, processing group, salary/hourly, etc. Edit unposted checks to handle any changes specific to current payroll cycle. Post the batch of checks to complete the process. Print the checks.

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Employee Profile

The employee record tracks extensive information about an employee including address information, payment information, G/L accounts for posting and many other attributes. Employees can be assigned to different payment cycles including weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, and monthly. Employee pay can be based on salary, hourly or a combination of both.

Shift Entry

The Shift Entry transaction can be used for employees which work a variety of shifts with varying levels of compensation. Shift rates can be based on a percentage of an employee’s regular hourly rate or on a specific fixed rate. Shift entries can be converted into payroll checks.

Employee Leave Management

An employee can belong to any number of leave plans under which leave can be accrued. Leave plans can have multiple rates of accrual based on months of employment. Leave can be accrued based on hours worked or payroll cycles. Leave transactions are used to record a variety of leave related adjustments. Employee leave taken can be recorded to reduce the amount of leave available. Non-standard leave accrual can be performed to increase the amount of leave available. Transfer of leave between leave plans can be performed. For example, to transfer hours between sick leave and vacation leave.

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External Integration

INFOBITS Payroll System has built-in capability of integration with digital attendance machine and upload MS Excel based attendance.

Employee HR Portal

Let employees review their own payroll, deductions, benefits, skills, and other H/R information any time with our feature rich Employee HR Portal. Our Employee Portal allows employees to login securely to review their previously issued pay slips, leave balances, miscellaneous deductions history, and other payroll related information. All this and so much more in form of a comprehensive dashboard.

Leave Management

  • Review his assigned leaves and leave balances.
  • Generate Leave application/request.
  • Review Approved and Pending for approval leave applications.
  • Recall or cancel pending leave applications.

Monthly Salary Management

  • Review their monthly salary pay slip
  • Upload expense supporting docs (Scanned docs)
  • Review overtime hours
  • Download tax deduction certificate
  • Review salary structure

Mobile Application

Empower employees with real time and easy access to business activities on the go with InfoBits ConnectHR Mobile App.

  • Request Equipment, Leave, paid time off from mobile
  • Track job costing project wise multiple check in / out in a day
  • Instantly see all employee data
  • Review & approve attendance sheet
  • Check in / out with GPS geofence
  • View schedules in real time

Check in / out with GPS restriction
Restrict where employees can and cannot checkin and out from. By setting a geographical perimeter, employees are only allowed to check in or out from the specified GPS location.

Track job costing
Employees can select their assigned job codes, and check in on their own mobile device.

Bird’s eye view
View a map of everyone who is checked in at all your locations to better manage your projects and employees.

Our Partners

“It’s not the information itself that you’re looking for, it’s what it means for you.”

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We don't provide technology solutions. We provide business solutions that leverage technology!